Employability and opportunities

Do you know how desirable your curriculum is in the eyes of companies? Employability concerns the differential that you bring with you that can be verified through the courses, specializations and experiences listed in your curriculum.

But what to do to increase the chances of getting a job? Look here – https://resumegets.com/resume-examples, its resume wording help. How to prepare to meet the expectations of the job market and be a stronger candidate? Here, we list eight tips that can boost your chances of being hired. Read on and check it out!

1. Be an expert

Let’s start with the obvious because, in this case, it is better to be redundant than to stop talking about such an important element. Today, in order to be considered a strong candidate, it is necessary to master a specific area of ​​activity. The more knowledge you demonstrate, the better, that’s what the college essay service is for.

Starting with graduation, going through specializations and refresher courses, it is essential that you know your market. Think of it this way: employers have no way of quantifying and analyzing candidates’ behavioral skills, but they can gauge technical skills by the titles on the curriculum and by applying targeted tests.

Record well: expertise in a given area and life experience are the factors that will most increase your employability.

Employability: What Are Employers Looking For? - career-advice.jobs.ac.uk

2. Master another language

Knowing how to communicate in another language has long ceased to be a differentiator. Today, with globalization, English, for example, is essential in almost all professions and companies, especially in multinationals.

So, to highlight your resume, you must present this competence. Tip: acquire the second language in parallel to graduation, so, when entering the job market, you can already count on this accelerator.

3. Value professional and personal experience

When preparing a curriculum, try to prioritize the relevant experiences for the vacancy in question. Events in which you have participated, case studies, junior companies, internships – paid or unpaid – and even volunteer work are relevant information that will help employers to get an idea of ​​your engagement.

We know that one of the most common tips for young professionals who are putting together their resume is “be concise”. So, it is necessary to know how to synthesize and prioritize the relevant information.

For each vacancy you try, the idea is to mount the curriculum in a customized way, in order to highlight the competencies and skills that the position requires. A cover letter will also be a differentiator because in it you explain how your experiences up to that moment will contribute to the good performance of the function.

4. Be emotionally intelligent

Here you can think, but how to demonstrate this in a resume? You’re right. You can’t show the mature professional that you are only for what you write on paper.

However, emotional intelligence and professional maturity will show through your behavior. As you get to know each other, you create certainties and focus on what is essential, and this becomes clear in a conversation with recruiters.

And not only in hiring will this issue make a difference in your life but in your career as a whole. The maintenance of a professional in a company depends more on his behavior than necessarily on his degree.

Times are changing and so is society. Former employees are today’s employees. Think about it: no one will want to act with temperamental people without team spirit. You collaborate with problem solvers, not creators.

5. Take refresher courses

Updating courses are important to keep your knowledge in line with the latest advances in technology and are important for those who graduated more than five years ago.

Think of areas like Accounting. With systems and software increasingly fast and automated, the practice of professionals changes every year, and it is necessary that they are attentive to these changes in order not to be considered outdated.

6. Think collaboratively and demonstrate it

In fact, here we could say “know how to work as a team”. Today, it is increasingly rare to find a profession or position in which it is not necessary to work in groups and deal with different perspectives.

Professional isolation does not exist. In your path, you will need to deal with other individuals and think in a collaborative and multidisciplinary way. This “collaborative thinking” means seeing the reality of a company in its complexity, adding knowledge, sharing experiences and tackling problems in an innovative and multidisciplinary way.

7. Perfect your soft skills

Soft skills are equivalent to interpersonal skills. Many people consider that they are opposed to hard skills, that is, technical skills, when in fact they are complementary.

They encompass the ability to communicate in a corporate environment, empathy, time management and leadership skills. Today, there are many programs and coaches that are dedicated to helping people to train and perfect these skills.

It is possible to circumvent and reverse the difficulty of public speaking, for example, which can compromise your hiring or performance with a recruiter.

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8. Write well

This tip may seem basic, but believe me, it really isn’t. It is very common to find resumes with Portuguese errors. A serious accent used in a wrong way, an error of agreement, the lack of coherence when expressing data, for example, can discredit all of its titles.

As important as being is to learn to communicate clearly, in writing, what you are. Therefore, never neglect writing because it can reduce your chances of employability.

As you can see, increasing employability is not a cake recipe, since the situation changes according to the candidate’s and the company’s history. However, it is possible to take some steps to ensure that your resume and presentation stand out from the competition.

Going to college and becoming an expert in the field, mastering a second language, writing well and having good interpersonal skills, having emotional intelligence and keeping up to date are ways to ensure your employability, that is, to become more desirable in the eyes of companies.